Check out an assistant for printing and editing tasks on your computer. Check out the options for generating editable and printable file lists without leaving the Explorer module. Manage libraries and import, export, and otherwise process the content.
PrintFolder alows to directly print the list of files, subfolders or folders contained in a selected folder. Very small application, it uses very few system resources. Easy and simple to use.
When installed, the application inserts a new line in the Windows Explorer context menu that appears ("PrintFolder") whenever the user right clicks on a folder or subfolder, showing the capability of printing the folder contents with all the options the program offers.
When the user selects a folder, the program immediately displays a list of the files and subfolders that it contains. The list appears as in MSDos format and can be color inverted. It shows the number of files, total filesize of the folder and the free disk space.
The General tab shows the possibility of including files creation Date and Time, Sizes and Subfolders.
Going to the option tabed window, the application shows the possibility of including or not the hidden and system files, All names as lowercase, and the printing settings: font size, left margin and maximum file length.
The list displayed, as well as printed, can be copy and saved.
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